RemoteDX wound up

Members of RemoteDX confirmed the wind up of the organisation on 29 May 2024. The assets and projects associated with RemoteDX have been transferred to Wellington Branch 50 NZART (

2024 Annual General Meeting

Members of RemoteDX Inc are reminded that the Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 28th April 2024 from 2pm at 1 Winsley Terrace, Churton Park, Wellington.

The agenda, annual report, financial statements, project reports and other documents will be circulated in advance to financial members.

2022 Annual General Meeting

Members of RemoteDX Inc that the Annual General Meeting will be held on 19th April 2022 from 1pm at the Collective Hub, Broderick Road, Johnsonville.

The AGM Agenda, annual reports, annual accounts for the year ending 31 March 2022 plus the previous AGM minutes are available on this website below.


2021 Annual General Meeting

Members of RemoteDX Inc that the Annual General Meeting will be held on 30th May 2021 from 2pm at the Waitohi Hive Makerspace Meeting Room (Ground floor, Johnsonville Library), 34 Moorefield Road, Johnsonville, Wellington 6037.

Proposed AGM Agenda

  1. Confirmation of a quorum
  2. Accept Apologies
  3. Receive, discuss and vote on:
    1. Draft minutes of the 2020 AGM meeting (20 September 2020)
    2. Report from the RemoteDX Chair, on the 2020-21 year
    3. Financial statements for the 2020-21 year (as reviewed)
  4. Elect:
    1. Chair
    2. Secretary-treasurer
    3. Committee members (at least two).
  5. Appoint:
    1. Financial Reviewer (may not be an Officer or member of the committee)
    2. Equipment trustee
    3. Callsign trustee 
  6. Decide:
    1. Annual subscription for 2021/22 year (Recommended $5).
  7. General business:
    1. Thanks to Financial Reviewer; proposal to offer a “koha”
    2. Presentation / discussion on Mesh development work
    3. Presentation / discussion on KiwiSDR project work
    4. Discussion on the future of RemoteDX – activity, direction, objectives.
  8. Any other business

Afternoon tea will be available from 3.00pm upstairs at the Common Ground Waitohi Cafe. 

The previous AGM minutes and the AGM Agenda, annual reports, and annual accounts for the year ending 31 March 2021 will be available on this website shortly.


2020 Annual General Meeting

The RemoteDX Inc Annual General Meeting was held on 20th September 2020 at 2pm at the QTH of Bernard Zl2BD, 1 Winsley Tce, Churton Park, Wellington 6037.

Afternoon tea was available from 3.00pm. A special cake commemorated the establishment of Branch 74, fifty years ago.

The meeting followed the regular Branch 50 (Wellington) NZART meeting. Don Robertson., the AREC National Director spoke at this meeting about AREC future arrangements.

AGM Agenda

The Minutes from the 2020 AGM are included below. A summary of proceedings follows

  1. Confirmation of a quorum (10 RemoteDX members and 5 visitors were in attendance)
  2. Draft minutes of the 2019 AGM meeting (26 May 2019) were confirmed
  3. The Report from the RemoteDX Chair, for the 2019-20 year was received
  4. The Financial statements for the 2019-20 year (as audited by Hon Auditor) were received and confirmed
  5. The following were elected:
    1. Interim Chair (Bernard ZL2BD). The intention is that John Moriarty will take on the Chair at a meeting to be confirmed shortly.
    2. Secretary-treasurer (John ZL2XJ)
    3. Committee members (Mike ZL1AXG, Ted Zl2TB, Gordon ZL2ARN, and Malcom ZL2UDF). Frank ZL2TTS is an observer on the committee. It is intended that observers will be confirmed formally at a meeting shortly in line with the revised constitution (agreed to later in the meeting) since the committee at the time of the appointments was limited to 4 members only.
  6. Appoint:
    1. Honorary auditor – now Financial Reviewer (Glenn ZL2KZ)
    2. Equipment trustee (Bernard ZL2BD)
    3. Callsign trustee (David ZL4TAC)
  7. Decide:
    1. Annual subscription for 2020/21 year (Confirmed $5). Members are encouraged to make payment ASAP by direct credit to the bank account or in cash to John ZL2XJ. The bank account details: REMOTEDX INCORPORATED, ANZ Bank Johnsonville, 06-0225-0901934-00
    2. RemoteDX constitution changes were confirmed. See the constitution page to download.
  8. General business:
    1. It was agreed to provide a koha to Honorary auditor (Now Financial Reviewer)
    2. Presentation / discussion by Ted ZL2TB and Gordon ZL2ARN on Mesh development work was received by acclamation
    3. Discussion on the future of RemoteDX – activity, direction, objectives.
    4. Approval was granted by members to:
      1. purchase, assembly, and deploy a remote SDR for the wellington region and expenditure of up to $3000 was committed
      2. purchase mesh and backbone equipment for the regional broadband network and deploy and upgrade installation at Colonial Knob to a more professional standard and expenditure of up to $2000 was committed

Secretary-treasurer RemoteDX Inc.

2019 Annual General Meeting

The RemoteDX Inc Annual General Meeting was held on 26 May 2019 at 3pm at Bernard ZL2BD’s QTH at 1 Winsley Tce, Churton Park, Wellington. 

Afternoon tea was available from 2.30pm and most attendees were present at the Branch 50 Shed Workshop that started at 1pm. 

The AGM agenda, draft minutes of the 2018 AGM, annual reports for 2018/19 and annual accounts for the year ending 31 March 2019 were made available on this website prior to the meeting. 

The Committee gave an update of mesh activity and remote site progress (or lack thereof!) at the meeting, and members were able to inspect the remote site “fridge” with all the gear in it immediately following the formal meeting.

Minutes of the meeting will be available shortly.

Work programme for 2018/19

At the AGM on 3 May 2018, Mike ZL1AXG outlined the work programme ahead for RemoteDX Inc:

Equipment finalisation and testing

Equipment is now complete in the “fridge” (remote enclosure).  Finalisation of the software testing for SCADA control will continue over winter for a spring installation of the Remote site.

Remote site antenna installation and siting of remote enclosure

Negotiation of a site agreement and installation of antennas and the enclosure will be a spring activity (dependent on the Mt Climie upgrade).

Broadband network upgrades

  • Relocation of the Johnsonville Link site to a new location and shift node to Ngaio to being direct point-to-point backbone link
  • Upgrading of Ngaio to backbone status (addition of direct point to point links to  Climie backbone and Johnsonvile link sites)
  • Changes in software configuration at Colonial Knob to provide for point-to-point communications to Mt Field, Mt Climie and Johnsonville link sites.
  • Installation at the Mt Climie site of a number of nodes (local access node, and point-to-point backbone links to Wairarapa, Colonial Knob, Mt Field,  and Ngaio. This will include installation of a RemoteDX pole, a pole mounted switch, and trenching for POE feed.
  • Some software upgrades to Mt Field to provided point-to-point backbone link to Colonial Knob and testing site locations for a link to Mt Climie.

Small teams of RemoteDX members will be needed for the Johnsonville and Ngaio upgrades, and a large team (over 3 visits) will be needed for Climie installation.  Branch 69 will manage installation at Mt Field.  Many upgrades can occur over winter, but the Mt Climie visit will be scheduled on fine warm weekends in Spring.

Annual General Meeting: Thursday 3 May 2018

The RemoteDX Inc inaugural Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday 3 May 2018 from 7.30pm at the Tawa Community Hall.

Reports were received and accepted along with the annual accounts.  A new committee was appointed comprising:

  • Mike Woods ZL1AXG (Chairman)
  • Doug McNeil ZL2AOV (Secretary/Treasurer)
  • Bernard ZL2BD (Member)
  • Frank ZL2TTS (Member)
  • Yan ZL4YY (Member)
  • Gordon ZL2ARN (Member)

Following the AGM, Mike ZL1AXG and Bernard ZL2BD gave a presentation on progress over the past 16 months and a demonstration of the remote transceiver operation over mesh nodes.  Supper was also served.

The agenda, reports, and financial reports can be found here:

Node upgrades on mesh

The mesh network is in the process of being upgraded in two ways:

  1.  All nodes need upgrading to the latest software AREDN v3.16.1.1
  2. A backbone needs to be developed to reduce mesh traffic, by isolating sub-nets.

Mesh users around Wellington have been asked to provide access to nodes to allow the upgrading to take place.  Most nodes are now operating on the latest AREDN release.

We have found that over the air upgrades are not always reliable, so it is best to do these in situ.  Note that if you wish to purchase a Ubiquiti node, most are no longer compatible with AREDN or BBHN (no longer under development).   The AREDN team will release a new version of the software in the new year that should be compatible with the newer Ubiquiti products.

The backbone links between Mt Field and Mt Climie, Mt Climie and Kaiwharawhara Hill (Ngaio), and Kaiwharawhara and Johnsonville (ZL2TBU) will be moved to 5.8GHz off-mesh links over the summer.  Colonial Knob backbone connections to Mt Climie, Mt Field and Johnsonville (ZL2TBU) will remain on 2.4Ghz due to restrictions on use of 5.8GHz at Colonial Knob.  However, it is planned to move these off mesh to reduce traffic loadings and improve throughput.

Working Bee 30 September

The committee had a working bee on Saturday 30 September and can now report that the temperature control system is complete (just the cowlings need to be painted and mounted and the filtration system installed).  In addition, the station is running off batteries with the solar charging system under test.

We spent most of the time upgrading Ubiquiti nodes to AREDN v3.16.1.  Further work to recover dead mesh nodes and to run out software upgrades on the Wellington mesh network is planned over the next fortnight.  There will be a further working bee over Labour Weekend to upgrade the network and begin to install a backbone (non-mesh) between significant nodes, so as to partition the network and reduce unnecessary hops.