QHUG has been looking for a new site for some years without luck.
However, in the last 12 months considerable rethinking has gone on.
Firstly, it was realised that we did not need to necessarily pursue a large site with several hundred acres of antenna farm, but rather we could get by with more compact high-gain HF arrays (e.g. Four Square Arrays) for the lower bands.
Secondly we realised that we didn’t need to travel a long way out of town to operate in a contest or DX. We could simply build a compact remote site and transport signals back to Wellington over a high speed data network.
This website is dedicated to describing the project build for the new remote site.
It will keep you informed about:
- Project purpose
- Project developments and the timetable of work
- Project teams and their activities (e.g antennas, off-grid power, mesh data network)
All the key events in the life of the project will be documented here, culminating in the return of ZL6QH to the major HF contests!
Once our build of a remote site has been completed we will set up a new website with a new name that is more focussed on our new core mission. In the mean time, check out how the ZL6QH remote station is progressing here!