The RemoteDX Inc Annual General Meeting was held on 20th September 2020 at 2pm at the QTH of Bernard Zl2BD, 1 Winsley Tce, Churton Park, Wellington 6037.
Afternoon tea was available from 3.00pm. A special cake commemorated the establishment of Branch 74, fifty years ago.
The meeting followed the regular Branch 50 (Wellington) NZART meeting. Don Robertson., the AREC National Director spoke at this meeting about AREC future arrangements.
AGM Agenda
The Minutes from the 2020 AGM are included below. A summary of proceedings follows
- Confirmation of a quorum (10 RemoteDX members and 5 visitors were in attendance)
- Draft minutes of the 2019 AGM meeting (26 May 2019) were confirmed
- The Report from the RemoteDX Chair, for the 2019-20 year was received
- The Financial statements for the 2019-20 year (as audited by Hon Auditor) were received and confirmed
- The following were elected:
- Interim Chair (Bernard ZL2BD). The intention is that John Moriarty will take on the Chair at a meeting to be confirmed shortly.
- Secretary-treasurer (John ZL2XJ)
- Committee members (Mike ZL1AXG, Ted Zl2TB, Gordon ZL2ARN, and Malcom ZL2UDF). Frank ZL2TTS is an observer on the committee. It is intended that observers will be confirmed formally at a meeting shortly in line with the revised constitution (agreed to later in the meeting) since the committee at the time of the appointments was limited to 4 members only.
- Appoint:
- Honorary auditor – now Financial Reviewer (Glenn ZL2KZ)
- Equipment trustee (Bernard ZL2BD)
- Callsign trustee (David ZL4TAC)
- Decide:
- Annual subscription for 2020/21 year (Confirmed $5). Members are encouraged to make payment ASAP by direct credit to the bank account or in cash to John ZL2XJ. The bank account details: REMOTEDX INCORPORATED, ANZ Bank Johnsonville, 06-0225-0901934-00
- RemoteDX constitution changes were confirmed. See the constitution page to download.
- General business:
- It was agreed to provide a koha to Honorary auditor (Now Financial Reviewer)
- Presentation / discussion by Ted ZL2TB and Gordon ZL2ARN on Mesh development work was received by acclamation
- Discussion on the future of RemoteDX – activity, direction, objectives.
- Approval was granted by members to:
- purchase, assembly, and deploy a remote SDR for the wellington region and expenditure of up to $3000 was committed
- purchase mesh and backbone equipment for the regional broadband network and deploy and upgrade installation at Colonial Knob to a more professional standard and expenditure of up to $2000 was committed
Secretary-treasurer RemoteDX Inc.